About Project


These works belong to a kind of artistic visual activity and lay in the development of meaningful and organized visual sequences in order to emotionally affect a viewer.

The relevance of this project:

the creation of an independent art form based on the use of certain color forms, as a certain unity and correspondence between color and shape, in dynamic visual processes in order to expand the range of emotional expression of human.

Working as a teacher of fine arts, I conducted for a long time research on the study and refinement of psychophysiological properties of colors and shapes, the interaction of shapes and colors, the perception o colorforms and their psychophysiological effects on the child.
Such research was conducted in order to improve the methods of teaching fine arts in the school. The results of the study were based on the analysis of students’ perception of the experimental and control classes. Various methods were used in the research process: psychological and pedagogical experiment, psychological analysis of perception, questionnaires etc.
Basis on results of conducted research there was created own system of the characteristic of psychophysiological properties of colors and forms. At the same time, such study suggested the possible functioning of variable (dynamic) color forms in frames of selfsufficient art form.
It has been observed that color forms are able to interact with each other. This interaction is able to be fixed in our perception through emotions. I have identified not only a series of colorforms that are characterized by a certain energy characteristic inherent in them, but also created a system of  colorforms. The system represents relationship between colorforms and their gradual transition from one into another. These colorforms can be easily perceived and identified.
Research of influence of color forms on human and developing of model of their use for purposeful
transfer of an artist idea in a work includes the following aspects:

1. Form
2. Color
3. Exposure
4. Dynamic
5. Size
6. Concentration
7. Localization

Composition of all these elements constitutes composition in Visic. The composition in Visic is organizational force that connects, synchronize and changes color-forms. It is important to reach the completeness of the work through subjecting of color-forms to general idea.
There were developed dynamic compositions based on such interaction. Aa well a special structure of color-forms were created and developed. This system comprises localization of every color-forms,  their interrelations and their transfer from one into another in accordance to their energetic characteristics. The process of comprehension may be done on the level of conscious and subconsciousness with certain emotional tone.
Comprehension of such visual art work could be processed on levels:

  • Visually-material
  • Emotionally-optical
  • Psychic (emotionally expressive)
  • Intellectually-symbolic.

This project should be viewed as an attempt to put fundaments of new kind of art, that could increase horizons of emotional expression. At present the result of my work is implemented in number of visual, dynamic compositions in video formats, that should to be viewed on big screen with the help of player application.
If you are interested in the subject of Visic please feel free to contact me.

Yuriy Nemish