Nemish Art

Geometric Semiotics

"Infinitely large black and white rings are generated by an infinite small circle that is neither white nor black" - by Yuriy Nemish

Geometric color forms could carry versatile information, both logical and emotional. That is why it is necessary to engage them in certain concept for with the name of the work is used. The name of the artistic work is a key to its “reading”, comprehending.

For many years I work on special semiotic images by researching them and engaging in my works. These images become to be comprehended in interesting manner in dependence on artistic usage and concept that accompanies them. This gives great satisfaction of possibilities to use such images. Geometrical images in its gist are not real things of surrounding world. They seems to be empty elements that do not point at events or things out of context environment and that is why they look quite self-sufficient. This independence of geometrical signs comes from the fact that they have their own context, that does not require confirmation in objective reality (acc. to postmodern philosophy).Due to these characteristics geometric images can become elements of comprehension out of context andstayin relation to reality, which means they can become self-sufficient complete signs and in the artistic work they can become complete comprehendible elements of certain composition. In this presentation the special meaning receives thinking, as instrument for concept creation. This concept is represented by a meaningful language form of name of the artistic work, that creates fundamentals for active analytical and synthetic perception.Without these elements comprehension of complex artistic works is impossible.

I would like to present you an approach to artistic works under conventional name “Geometric Semiotics”.

"Infinitely large black and white rings are generated by an infinite small circle that is neither white nor black" - by Yuriy Nemish

``Infinitely large black and white rings are generated by an infinite small circle that is neither white nor black``

oil paint, hardboard, size 50×50 cm.

Here the main role is given to concept, that is represented as metaphor with certain emotional note. Good and bad starts from plain beginning that is called “tabula rasa”.Often a small action, like the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings, can lead to great joy or great sorrow.

``Squaring the circle``

oil paint, hardboard. 40×40 cm.

There is an unsolved mathematical problem that is a concept for this work. There are clearly defined figures and everything in between is just a caricature of them. It is like Good and Evil, like White and Black, like Joy and Sadness…. The intermediate state in between is only a caricature, an imitation. In mathematics, the concept of “squaring the circle” means the impossibility of constructing a square of an equal circle, hence the metaphor of “squaring the circle” means something impossible, meaningless and useless work

"Squaring the circle" - by Yuriy Nemish

``Germination of light or germination of darkness``

oil paint, hardboard, size 30×50 cm.

It is a geometrical composition but the main here is the concept. An attempt to make a subjective choice to assess the situation around us.

The works are done with oil paint on hardboard.